Mines and other stuff – Day 5
Today was our first no-fly-day meaning we didn’t do any flights today. Instead we had a couple of ground based activities planed. The first one was visiting a sapphire mine in the close by city of Ilakaka. On the way…
Today was our first no-fly-day meaning we didn’t do any flights today. Instead we had a couple of ground based activities planed. The first one was visiting a sapphire mine in the close by city of Ilakaka. On the way…
Packed and ready to go for Madagascar! So we already had to say goodbye again to King Mswati III, his 14 wives and Queen mother Ntombi. Today we were flying for close to 4 hours over water. So we…
The day started with an emergency repair attempt. The “mobile phone holder” of our pilot Gorge was not reliable holding anymore on his belt. And loosing it was not an option as without this phone our journey would be in…
Any doubt that it might be cold in our houses during the night had been completely unjustified. The fire in the evening heated up the interior to a perfect level and every bed had something like 10 blankets. I only…
Today we started our journey towards Madagascar. No more theoretical talks. Practical execution was the game. And we had quite a distance to cover in the air as our first stop, an airstrip Heimville on the South African border of…
All set, ready to go! N208PC still in Namibia but will arrive tomorrow in FACT. I am flying today from ZRH to MUC with LH2371 and then to CPT with LH574. All flight permission for Madagascar received. So we are…
Irgendwie war der Wurm drin. Ich war zwar erst in den Ferien in Neuseeland gewesen, aber danach lief vieles nicht rund. Dazu kam, dass ich mich entschieden habe, nach 13 Jahren System Engineering etwas Neues zu machen. Ich hatte darüber…
So, nun war es also wieder einmal so weit: Ein Arbeitsbesuch in Australien stand vor der Tür, beziehungsweise dem Flieger. Nach diversen Umbuchungen – ursprünglich wollte ich übers Neujahr dort sein – war der Termin nun fix: Samstag, 18. Februar,…
Ein Löwe hat vermutlich ein schönes Leben. Zuerst faul rumliegen, dann alle Beine ausstrecken und zum Schluss noch etwas relaxen. Wenn da nur nicht immer diese komischen stinkenden Blechkisten wären, die in der Gegend rumfahren. Aber man ist professionell genug…
Heute ist der erste ganze Tag in Masai Mara. Ein typischer Tagesverlauf sieht in etwa so aus: Um 05:30 wird heisser Kaffee und heisse (!!) Milch ins Zelt gebracht. Um 6 Uhr trifft man sich dann beim Fahrzeug. Eigentlich darf…